Corby Tak Syukuri 'Keramahan' Hukum Indonesia

Pengamat hukum internasional dari Universitas Indonesia, Hikmahanto Yuwana, menilai Schapelle Leigh Corby tak bisa mensyukuri "keramahan" hukum Indonesia. Buktinya, meski dia tak jadi nongol di siaran televisi Australia, tapi sang kakak, Mercedes Corby, menggantikan sesi wawancaranya dengan Channel Seven.


Corby Tak Syukuri 'Keramahan' Hukum Indonesia  

"Suara dan persepsi Corby muncul lewat sang kakak," kata Hikmahanto saat dihubungi Tempo, Selasa, 4 Maret 2014.

Walhasil, isi dari wawancara tersebut sama seperti Corby yang bercerita. Hikmahanto pun menilai Corby secara tidak langsung sudah melanggar pantangan dari Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Amir Syamsuddin untuk tak nongol di pemberitaan apa pun.

"Perbuatannya menandakan dia tak bisa mensyukuri 'keramahan' hukum Indonesia," tegas Hikmahanto.

Sebab, ratu ganja itu sudah diberi grasi lima tahun oleh Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Corby juga sudah dapat remisi tahunan dari pemerintah. Terakhir, dia mendapat pembebasan bersyarat yang diberikan Menteri Amir. "Artinya, Corby sudah ambil risikonya sendiri," katanya.

Hikmahanto pun meminta Menteri Hukum dan HAM segera bertindak tegas. Sudah bukan waktunya lagi memberi "keramahan" kepada Corby. "Menkumham harus cabut pembebasan bersyarat dan kembalikan Corby ke LP Kerobokan."

Sebelumnya, kakak kandung Corby berbicara di televisi Australia soal temuan ganja di tas adiknya yang kemudian menjebloskannya ke penjara. Dalam wawancara tersebut, sang kakak menepis rumor jika almarhum ayahnya terlibat dengan temuan 4 kilogram ganja di dalam tas adiknya. Mercedes merasa media telah memojokkan keluarganya. Dia juga menilai, jika ayahnya masih hidup dan bersaksi, media juga tidak akan memberi kesempatan.
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Gerindra: Jokowi Pesaing Terberat Prabowo

Gerindra: Jokowi Pesaing Terberat Prabowo  
Wakil Ketua Umum Partai Gerindra Fadli Zon mengakui Gubernur DKI Jakarta Joko Widodo merupakan pesaing berat Ketua Dewan Pembina Gerindra Prabowo Subianto dalam pemilihan presiden 2014. Dengan catatan, kata dia, PDIP memang mencalonkan Jokowi sebagai calon presiden. "Sejauh ini kan masih disebut-sebut. PDIP belum mengumumkan calonnya," kata Fadli saat dihubungi, Senin, 3 Maret 2014.

Selain Jokowi, kata Fadli, Ketua Umum PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri dan Ketua Umum Golkar Aburizal Bakrie juga menjadi pesaing berat Prabowo untuk menduduki kursi RI-1. Soalnya, kata Fadli, Mega dan Ical merupakan tokoh yang sudah berpengalaman sebagai politikus. "Mereka bertiga punya konstituen sendiri," katanya.

Menurut Fadli, kekuatan empat figur itu akan ditentukan oleh hasil pemilihan legislatif pada 9 April 2014 mendatang. Sebab, hasil pemilihan legislatif yang menjadi dasar pencapresan akan menentukan siapa yang menang, siapa yang kalah. "Ibarat tinju, siapa pemenangnya bisa dilihat dari siapa saja yang bertarung di ring," kata Fadli.

Fadli memprediksi pemilihan presiden mendatang hanya akan diikuti oleh tiga pasangan calon. Maksimal, kata Fadli, empat pasang calon. Lalu, ke mana calon presiden dari Demokrat yang kini sedang bertarung di konvensi? "Belum terlihat menonjol termasuk dari sisi konvensi. Apa lagi elektabilitas calonnya belum kuat," kata Fadli.

Berdasarkan UU Pemilihan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden, partai politik bisa mengajukan calon presiden jika memperoleh 20 persen kursi parlemen nasional. Dengan aturan itu, diprediksi hanya ada 3 partai yang sanggup mengajukan calon presiden.
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Dipinang Golkar dan Gerindra, Risma: Onok-onok Wae

Dipinang Golkar dan Gerindra, Risma: Onok-onok Wae
Wali Kota Surabaya Tri Rismaharini enggan berkomentar tentang tawaran Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) dan Gerindra sebagai RI-2 dalam pemilihan presiden 2014. "Halah.
Awakmu onok-onok ae. Enggak onok iku (Ah, kamu ada-ada saja. Tak benar itu)," kata Risma setelah mengikuti kompetisi Inovasi Pelayanan Publik di kantor Kementerian Pendayagunaan dan Aparatur Negara pada Senin, 3 Maret 2014.

Kini Risma memang jadi rebutan. Wajar, elektabilitasnya hanya satu tingkat di bawah Gubernur DKI Jakarta Joko Widodo. Berita Risma ingin mundur membuat beberapa partai kesengsem ingin menyunting perempuan 52 tahun itu. (baca: Kekurangan Wali Kota Risma Versi Survei Unibraw  )

Sebelumnya, Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal Dewan Pimpinan Pusat (DPP) Partai Golkar Nurul Arifin menyebut Risma sebagai salah satu kandidat pendamping calon presiden dari Golkar, Aburizal Bakrie. Risma, kata Nurul, memiliki basis massa, karakter kepemimpinan, dan diminati publik. "Risma tokoh nasional yang layak disorot," katanya.(baca:Pengamat: Risma Jangan Dijadikan Permainan Politik )

Menurut Nurul, peluang merekrut Risma ada, karena Wali Kota Surabaya itu masih belum jelas mendeklarasikan dirinya sebagai kader Partai Banteng. Karena itu, tak salah bagi siapa pun yang ingin mendekati Risma. Namun, jika sudah ada kepastian bahwa Risma adalah kader PDI Perjuangan, Golkar tidak akan memaksa. "Kami tak akan melabrak norma dan kesantunan politik."

Adapun Ketua DPP Gerindra Fadli Zon juga menginginkan Risma menjadi pendamping Prabowo. "Itu aspirasi dari bawah," katanya. Gerindra, kata dia, tertarik pada pejabat yang berprestasi dan memiliki kebijakan yang dirasakan masyarakat. (baca: Bila Bergabung, Gerindra Siap Bentengi Risma )
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Drama Berbayar Ratu Ganja

Drama Berbayar Ratu Ganja: Corby Jadi Pesohor  

Drama Berbayar Ratu Ganja: Corby Jadi Pesohor  
Wawancara dan Liputan eksklusif akhirnya diberikan Schapelle Leigh Corby kepada Channel 7 . Pada 2 Maret 2014 pukul 20.00 waktu Australia, tayangan berdurasi 11.06 menit tentang drama saat Corby keluar dari penjara pada 10 Fberuari 2014 lalu disiarkan.

Sang Ratu Ganja yang telah mendekam di penjara sejak 2004 itu disebut menerima 2 juta dollar Australia atau setara Rp 20,7 miliar oleh Channel 7 atas liputan itu.

Dalam drama berbayar itu tampak Corby menerobos kerumunan wartawan, berlari menuju mobil van hitam yang membawanya menuju Villa Seminyak saat dinyatakan bebas pada 10 Februari 2014 lalu. Diapit oleh sang adik, Michael, dan kakak iparnya, Wayan Winarta. Ia mengenakan topi bundar bermotif kotak sembari menutupi wajahynya dengan selendang hitam
“Aku merasa seperti sampah. Para wartawan itu tiap hari memberitakanku,” ujar Corby saat berada dalam mobil seperti dikutip dalam tayangan Channel 7. (baca: Diserbu Wartawan, Corby Merasa seperti Sampah)

Tak hanya drama pembebasan bersyarat Corby yang disorot, sang kakak, Mercedes Corby, sembari berlinang air mata menuturkan cerita tentang sang adik. Kala dalam tahanan, Mercedes dengan sendu mengisahkan Schapelle Cobry sakit parah dan harus membopongnya seperti mayat hidup.

“Dia tetap seperti dulu. Tapi ada kebahagiaan dan kekuatannya yang hilang,” kata Mercedes dalam tayangan itu. Tayangan itu juga menampilkan aktifitas Corby setelah dinyatakan bebas bersyarat. Bak seorang pesohor, aktifitas Corby saat bermain ombak di pantai, berkumpul dengan keluarga dan foto-foto kebersamaannya dengan orang terdekat ditampilkan dalam tayangan. (baca: Corby Muncul di Channel Seven Australia)

Schapelle Leigh Corby ditangkap di Bandara Internasional Ngurah Rai, Bali, pada 2004, karena membawa ganja seberat 4,1 kilogram. Pengadilan Negeri Denpasar menjatuhkan vonis 20 tahun penjara atas Corby. Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono memberikan grasi kepada Corby melalui Keputusan Presiden No 22/G Tahun 2012 sehingga perempuan kelahiran Queensland, Australia, itu mendapat pengurangan hukuman menjadi 15 tahun. Dalam kurun waktu 2006-2011, Corby juga pernah mendapatkan remisi 25 bulan
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Audio & Video

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QuickTime is a media player that supports most common audio and video formats. It also comes with a basic image viewer that supports most popular image formats. It offers a simple GUI with basic buttons to play, seek, and adjust volume. It is a bit slow to open, but other than that it performs well during audio and video playback. It works great with HD and Full-HD videos.

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RealPlayer is one of the most popular video player and the only player that can play "real video" files properly - real video files are compact in size. The program has an audio/video library just like Windows Media Player. It can also be used to view web pages and download videos.

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Winamp player is designed to cover the large area of video and audio media file types available today. The player comes with various types of new skins and visualization styles and is easier to personalize in both menu style as well as preferences , playlists, bookmarks, history, etc.

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KMP is a versatile multimedia player which can cover a various different types of contained formats. Without any separate codec, you are able to play any media files because KMP has its own internal codec. For the sound Codec, KMPlayer supports AC3, DTS, MPEG1, 2, AAC, WMA 7, 8, OGG, etc.

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The K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs, and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding audio and video formats. The K-Lite Codec Pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your audio and movie files.

GOM Player
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GOM Player is a free audio/video player that supports almost all codecs. The program has a codec finder service which automatically downloads codec for unsupported audio/video files. It has a nice interface and features such as image capture, audio capture, video effects, etc.

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Format Factory is a multifunctional media converter. Main Features: -Support converting all popular video, audio, picture formats to others. -Repair damaged video and audio file. -Reducing multimedia file size. -Support iPhone, iPod multimedia file formats. -Picture converting supports zoom, rotate, flip, tags. -DVD Ripper.

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IDT audio software shows you the difference between listening and really hearing what your computer has to say. Don't just listen any more ! It's time to enjoy the sounds.

K-Lite Codec Pack
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K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs and video tools. The program is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your audio and movie files. You can configure your preferred decoders and splitters for many formats.

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CyberLink PowerDirector is a program that brings you a set of comprehensive tools for high-quality video productions. The program supports up to 4 camera editing, so you can easily import, sync and arrange your MultiCam shots. It also enables you to simulate live camera switching by selecting and editing the best camera angle and sequence from an event.

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With DivX you get DivX Converter, DivX Movies, DivX Player, and a Web Player in one bundle. The included player supports various formats of audio and video: DivX, AVI, MKV, MP4, MOV. It now comes with a feature called DivX To Go, which formats your videos for playback on any DivX-certified device you have.

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Total Video Converter is a powerful video tool and has also audio conversion support. The installation process is very swift therefore you do not have to worry about losing too much time. When you run it for the first time you will notice the interface is easy-to-use and straightforward - this tool was made to satisfy both advanced users and beginners.
Adobe Media Player
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Adobe media player 1.7 has various features which include a catalog to search for internet TV Shows, and a Library to create and manage your collections of flash videos.You can create a Playlist by adding necessary tags and rate your videos. In Personal videos, you can queue up videos and download them. In Favorites you can automatically download the latest episodes of your favorite TV shows.
Adobe Flash Player Standalone
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Adobe Flash Player Standalone is a free program that can be downloaded and run on your PC. It has been designed to play all Flash format files, including ShockWave Flash (.swf) and Flash Video (.flv). You shouldn't confuse it with the Adobe Flash Player Plugins for IE and non IE browsers.

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Whether you are looking for free AVI video converter, free mxf converter, free MKV video converter, free FLV video converter, free MP4 converter, free iPad converter, free Android converter, or free YouTube converter, Any Video Converter Freeware is the right application for you.

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Features: -Crystal-clear sound, technology of reproduction essentially differs from Winamp and WMP; -Sensitive equalizer; -A maximum of functionality from a minimum of resources; -The minimal consumption of system resources; -Multilingual support; -Support of set of formats of audio -Adjustment of global and local hot keys (patterns from WinAmp and WMP);

FLV Player
FLV Player can play all your downloaded videos. FLV Player is simple to use: just double-click any FLV file in your file explorer, and it will play automatically. Main features: - Play FLV files (and other formats) on any Windows PC. - Double-click files in File Explorer to play them automatically. - Zoom to full screen. - Drag-and-drop multiple files. - Play DVDs.

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack
K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of components needed for audio and video playback in DirectShow players such as Windows Media Player, Media Center and Media Player Classic. With this program you should be able to play all the popular audio and video formats, even the less common formats.

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Audacity is a free, easy-to-use and multilingual audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. You can use Audacity to: - Record live audio. - Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs. - Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files. - Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together. - Change the speed or pitch of a recording.

SoundMAX     Download

SoundMAX is audio signal processing software for onboard sound cards. The 5.1 version is a bit old for the time being, but is one of the best available. It possesses a very accurate feature for the automatic detection of devices and a wide range of configuration options. Users don’t need to be experts in order to set a whole home theater quickly.

BSPlayer     Download

BSPlayer can help you play multiple multimedia file types. The application has a nice, compact, multi-language interface that is, at the same time, very easy to use. However, probably the main advantage of this player is its low requirement of CPU resources.
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